in a perfect world of yancies: Tears of Joy

05 November 2008

Tears of Joy

Just the right words, Marisa.

We saw CNN call it live last night, but I really like this clip (which I didn't see until like 2am) of Jon Stewart making the call:

And where did we watch CNN? Well, the Showbox was full to capacity (!), so we watched at Neumos. Also full to capacity. That's right, we were in a packed rock & roll club watching CNN. What an incredible night!

Anyway, here's a blurry shot of the crowd:

Speaking of crowds, the party went pretty late into the night. I guess some of the Neumos folk marched downtown to join in the celebration near Pike Place. We ate a crazy late dinner and went home to look at the web, but here's a taste of what was going on downtown:

What about our neighborhood? Can't find embed code, but try this clip from King 5.

[Update 10:28]
Here are a couple of videos of Capitol Hill, courtesy of jseattle at

Speaking of partying in the streets, how cool is it that downtown Lawrence was almost as wild after the election as after the Championship? Woo!

But as I said, we went home to see what was happening online. Here are some screen-grabs I especially liked:

Click to enlarge. (Will open in a new window.)

And then they called Indiana for Obama! Incredible.

Also celebrating: here's Wilco's page from this morning:

Thanks, Rodrigo, for pointing that one out to me!

All right, one more from the Times:

The words at the end of the night

But my own personal favorite? Hands down, it's the Stranger home page:


  1. One of the nice things about working for a company that does business around the world is receiving congratulatory calls from our overseas customers. I particularly enjoyed talking to a man from Singapore this morning (at 9:00 a.m. my time and 11:00 p.m. his time)! Incredible ...


  2. That's awesome. Thanks for putting that up.

    And thanks for the early-morning comments, Dad and Marisa!

    Just heard a story on the radio that began with the phrase "President-elect Obama." Love it!

  3. I believe you last screen-gran in this post sums it all up! By far my favorite way to put it into words...if I was the swearing type ;)


  4. Love the Stranger!

    Here's more from there (thanks, Emily, for the link!):

    posted by DAN SAVAGE on NOVEMBER 5 at 8:33 AM
    A local blogger writes

    I ride the 7 bus to work those mornings I can’t face my bicycle. It comes up from south Seattle and traverses rich and poor neighborhoods, the International District, Pioneer square and Downtown. Usually, it is a hateful, loud, messy conglomeration of tired people. This morning, an older black man sat with a grin on his face. He was dressed for construction work. Out of the blue, he shouted, “YES, we can!”
    It was completely infectious- people responded in a chorus of “Yes, we can,” and there was clapping, and there were grins, ear to ear. And we rode on together.

  5. Oh what the hell:

    One more great post from the Stranger.

    They're even celebrating this win in a galaxy far, far away!
