For more, please see Bria's set on Picasa. Thanks again for the photos Bria!
In the meantime, today was Franklin's one year doctor's appointment. Three vaccines, a blood draw, and everything is looking good. Growing bigger and stronger every day. Even jumped a few percentiles in weight:

Not bad!
Here's the full breakdown from Group Health, in case you want to dig into the numbers:
Height: 2' 4.94" (0.735 m)
Weight: 20 lb 11 oz (9.384 kg)
Head Circumference: 18.31" (46.5 cm)
15.47%ile based on WHO length-for-age data.
39.9%ile based on WHO weight-for-age data.
60.22%ile based on WHO head circumference-for-age data.
So, there you have it. And now we're off for a relaxing weekend in the Quinault Rain Forest! Cheers, reader.
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