Well, we just got upgraded to google voice. So cool!
One number that rings all phones; free text messaging, with searchable storage of messages; and voicemail transcription!
Sample call:
Here's the automatically generated transcript:
"hi it's emily just calling to see how you're doing you can call me back at (206) 499-5413 or send a letter to forty eight hundred thirty seventh avenue help last alright bye hey"
Screen grab of the whole thing:

Pretty good!
Okay, for more details (and some lame and annoying CNBC guys), check out David Pogue:
[Update 07:49 19 March]
For completeness' sake, a shot of the whole window:

Like having an email account for all of our phone calls, voicemails, and text messages. Awesome.
I rather enjoy not being connected to the world once I go home - no answering machine...no cell service. I think it would drive me nuts to be able to connect all my phones! I do, however, have the voice to text function on my cell phone. It's quite funny, too, since I get a lot of voicemails about vehicles - but it's all in code - so it's entertaining to see how the person typing out the message translates it. And they have a real hard to=ime with "Bozeman". Oh yeah, speaking of not being connected at home - we're getting internet at home finally!
Wait, you're getting the internet at home? Is that even possible?
ReplyDeleteWell, now we can definitely visit you this summer! :)