Had a chance (in between grading papers--summer teaching: it's a pain, but it pays; and the small classes are a nice change of pace)--had a chance, that is, to do some riding out on the Burke-Gilman Trail. Beautiful weather lately. Just beautiful.
Anyway, here's Mimi at Matthews Beach Park--it's like 8 or maybe 9 miles from Capitol Hill, so there's proof that (every now and then) I do leave the neighborhood. I guess Lake Washington (being smaller than Puget Sound) is even warm enough for swimming this time of year . . .
And now for some "huh?" news:
Got a letter yesterday that started with the phrase "dear friend"--that's right, it's from John McCain. Somehow someone thought I should be on the RNC's mailing list, and that they ought to ask me to contribute to the McCain campaign. Wow.
Anyhow, here's the email I wrote them:
"I don't know how you got my address, why you think I would ever support your candidates, or why you hate America so much, but in any case please remove me from your mailing list. Please!"
And their charming reply:
"Thank you for contacting the Republican National Committee. We certainly appreciated your email, and will include your thoughts in our report to the Chairman. Please do not hesitate to contact us in the future with any of your thoughts, opinions or observations."
I'm an ass too...or is it donkey...
Did I just leave a comment twice? Oops - can you delete one?
ReplyDeleteI prefer to think of it as "sane person," but I guess for the time being that's coextensive with donkey . . .
ReplyDeleteWhat about the request to delete--surely I shouldn't delete that, should I?