in a perfect world of yancies: Walking, Running, and Dancing

15 June 2011

Walking, Running, and Dancing

In reverse order (and note, this is only about half of all the crazy busy fun I've been having lately)...

The plot of Giselle sounds a bit over the top, but the Times review was so fascinating, especially all that stuff about old choreography—and balletic mime! So that's how we spent our anniversary.

I'm not sure it was my favorite thing ever (Romeo and Juliet from a couple of years ago still stands out as far as ballet goes), but I really enjoyed it, and the program is full of so much interesting info—I sincerely hope to find time to take a closer look at it :)

And the next day Emily and her teammates reunited and ran in the Briefcase Relay (remember?):
Team Sheep It Up

I'm just glad I was there to get this awesome handoff photo!
Great handoff!
On their way to tenth place! And out of 46—not too shabby!

Finally, in between grading and submitting grades, I joined some friends for a great hike up to the amazing and amazingly cold and frozen Lake Serene.

Wore my finger shoes for the 4.5 miles up, but had to put socks and shoes on once we got to the snowy lake itself...
Mt. Index

Near the Lake

Kascha, Mattie, Anupa and Jerome
Kascha, her dog Mattie, Anupa, and Jerome

Great time, despite my cold toes.

And here's a video of our walk, thanks that awesome Nike+ app:

Okay, soon we'll be off to see the Redwoods. (Map's here, in case you forgot.)

Talk to you soon, reader!

1 comment:

  1. Great photography! (And great subjects!)
