(Also, I figure that if I do one giant post, that will cover for me in case I can't post from the road...)
We saw the movie Humpday on Emily's birthday. It also happened to be the Seattle premier, and since the director is from here, she was there for Q&A after:

Refreshments before the film:

It was a surprisingly fun and funny movie. Sort of like Old Joy, except funny (?).
Also saw a great view of Rainier from the UW campus on a recent bike ride/library visit:

Speaking of seeing, have you heard of this crazy story about doctors implanting a telescope in people's eyes to help them see past their macular degeneration?

Super cool and super crazy.
Also saw Little Darlings, a silly but pretty fun 80's movie.

And we saw it in a park! So that's cool. Three Dollar Bill Outdoor Cinema. Maybe see you for one of the August shows?
Saw some CHS friends at a wine tasting/party they held at Vino Verité. Good stuff.

Tasting menu from Small Lot Co-Op, which features tiny, limited-run Washington wines.
And seadevi, one of the more reliable CHS writers, got a few nice pictures:
Don't know all the names, but for those of you keeping score at home, the person on the right in the first shot is Uncle Vinny.
And the beautiful girl on the left in the second photo--well, you know her, right?
Cheers, reader! Hope we see you soon!
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