Got another round of winter here on Thursday.

Was lovely, and Emily was able to take a snow day & enjoy some of the sights, like this miniature snow family . . .

We weren't the only ones treating Capitol Hill like a resort community . . .
For (lots) more about the weather, including pictures, sledding videos, a cute post about little kids loving the snowball fight they had with some local hipsters, look (of course) to capitolhillseattle.com.
Scariest part of the weather? Definitely the two charter buses that slid down a steep, icy Capitol Hill side-street and almost landed on I5:

Pictures from KOMO News.
Thankfully, everyone is fine.
Update, 23:16 19 December:
Great pic from flickr:

Update, 16:32 20 December:
(Last one, I promise!)
Nice photo from the Seattle P-I:

And what about Emily?
Well, she went in to work today (Friday). And she's fine, of course (those were charter buses, not Metro Transit buses! As if!) Did take her an extra 80 minutes getting there, but she made it!
Missed her company xmas party yesterday, though.
Here's a report from a neutral observer:
"As for the Party, it was still held although there were very few attendees [30 out of an expected 700, I heard]. The food was wonderful, a couple of the band members were involved in a minor accident on the way to Renton so we didn't have music. they will return next year."
Well, I'm off to grab some food (keep your eye on the Twitter feed to find out where! I know I will!)
Will try to do a post about something besides weather soon.
Thanks for reading.
Stay warm!
What a cute little snow family! Is that Snoopy?
Two WOWs: One for Emily's boots (almost as famous as your sunglasses) & the other WOW for the buses. OMG!