First of all, I really think you should drive less. (Or not at all, if possible.*)
One way to encourage that would be a national gas tax.
I know, I know, but a) it's totally for a good cause, b) gas is so cheap right now that you'd hardly notice it (at least as compared to those crazy prices from last summer--what was it, like $4/gallon, or $16? something like that), and c) the hilarious guys on Car Talk agree:
Grades are in, next quarter's syllabus is in progress, and I'm in the thick of writing book reviews (if you write book reviews, you get free books!) . . .
But a fella's gotta have some fun, right? We did our best this past week to find as much as we could.
In no particular order, then:
Not only did I get a new haircut (at Scream of course) and some product, I also got this lovely little CHS pin, thanks in part to Emerson Salon: Product? Yes. I asked E if it was okay, and she said "yes, I'm glad that you're taking an interest in your hair." :)
Back on the home front, we made some fabulous lamb burgers the other day. On delicious brioche buns, purchased at Madison Market.
("Are you a member?" "No." [sigh: you're just like four blocks too far--we can't seem to drag ourselves here more than once a month . . .])
Across Madison is a neighborhood called the Central District. And in the Central District there's a place called Central Cinema, where they'll serve you beer, wine, pizza, sandwiches, popcorn, and more while you watch fun (mostly old) movies. We braved the ice, missed one bus, and then finally made it there for a screening of Auntie Mame sponsored by Three Dollar Bill Cinema.
Listening to pre-show announcements.
If you haven't seen Auntie Mame, you so should. It is such a hoot! Here's a trailer:
May not be as fun without the crowd, but the movie can be watched at, and also on Netflix.
In the lobby: cute hair! (Got it trimmed a couple of days later, but whatever. And don't worry, it's still cute!)
And then on Friday, a new restaurant opened in the neighborhood. Emily, enjoying a champagne cocktail at Oddfellows.
Now Oddfellows is owned, in part at least, by Linda Derschang, pictured here with Emily.
Linda also owns Smith, King's, and (of course) Linda's, one of my favorite spots in Seattle.
Finally, I tried my hand at a little on-site reporting for CHS. Got a note about some filming in the dog park at Pine and Boren, so we went to check it out. Here's what we found: Goats! From Rent-a-Ruminant. Who? Rent-a-Ruminant:
"We bring goats to your location to eat a wide range of vegetation, such as blackberries, ivy, and other invasive species."
Guess the goats were starring in an ad for Pemco Insurance (?). Cute anyway, so I guess it's a win.
Well, back to work. Cheers, reader.
And if I don't see you in the next few days, have a great holiday!
Was lovely, and Emily was able to take a snow day & enjoy some of the sights, like this miniature snow family . . .
We weren't the only ones treating Capitol Hill like a resort community . . .
For (lots) more about the weather, including pictures, sledding videos, a cute post about little kids loving the snowball fight they had with some local hipsters, look (of course) to
Scariest part of the weather? Definitely the two charter buses that slid down a steep, icy Capitol Hill side-street and almost landed on I5:
Update, 16:32 20 December: (Last one, I promise!) Nice photo from the Seattle P-I:
And what about Emily? Well, she went in to work today (Friday). And she's fine, of course (those were charter buses, not Metro Transit buses! As if!) Did take her an extra 80 minutes getting there, but she made it!
Missed her company xmas party yesterday, though.
Here's a report from a neutral observer:
"As for the Party, it was still held although there were very few attendees [30 out of an expected 700, I heard]. The food was wonderful, a couple of the band members were involved in a minor accident on the way to Renton so we didn't have music. they will return next year."
Well, I'm off to grab some food (keep your eye on the Twitter feed to find out where! I know I will!) Will try to do a post about something besides weather soon.
But it did snow, so at least there's that . . . Can you see those flakes? This photo was taken just as it started to come down, before things got too easy to photograph.
Also did a little decorating for passersby. It's so beautiful, isn't it? That's why I put it up on the Capitol Hill holiday awesomeness map.
In other news, I gave the last of my exams, worried about job security, and (finally) enjoyed a wonderful and relaxing night at Neumos. The Dutchess and the Duke performing at the KEXP Yule Benefit.
Their set was maybe my favorite part of the show: I had only heard a song or two before, but I really enjoyed it. Was just the thing.
So in between running around trying to enjoy some of the wonderful fun times here on Capitol Hill, grading exams, and getting ready for the holidays, I have been working (a little) on a new post . . .
But it's not ready, so instead please enjoy this piece from Funny Or Die:
Heard a fabulous bit of choral music Sunday at St Joseph Church, right here in Capitol Hill, thanks to the SU choirs.
Great stuff. The started off by singing Benjamin Britten's "Hodie Christus Natus Est" from the loft and it was just awesome. . .
Here's a version that may not be quite as good, but it'll let you know what the song sounds like:
They also did O Holy Night. Who was Adolphe Adam, and why is that song so good? No idea. But here's a beautiful version in Swedish:
Thanks for telling us about that one, Nathan.
Speaking of Capitol Hill, here's an unrelated neighborhood note: As you can see over on CHS, our neighborhood really went for Obama. In our precint (43-1851), it was like 94%!
Okay, to close, here are three more of my favorite seasonal songs, some of which I've mentioned before, and some that are new to me:
Still can't believe Jim Nabors sings so pretty.
Gina told us about this one the other day. Warning: it's awful cute, and it'll likely get stuck in your head.
Finally, some folks we know are headed to Hawaii for the holidays, and every time I think about that I start humming this song:
How about y'all? Any favorites you'd like to share? Maybe we can all get together for some caroling . . .
Look at the too-cute pre-xmas gift Emily got me. Better get that tree up soon!
Speaking of things that tweet, I've recently started putting posts up on Twitter. (It's like blogging, but you can only type like 140 characters, including spaces.) Mostly just curiosity . . .
Anyway, in case you want more frequent updates, I've added a feed over on the side there.
Oh, so Eric and Christy did make it; you can see photos of their t-day over on, including this gentleman offering his "Fram Fram" to the world: As Emily explained in the comments, "it is part of the motto of St. Olaf College (the complete motto is "Fram! Fram! Kristmennn, Krossmenn" which means: "Forward! Forward! Men of Christ, Men of the Cross")."
She goes on, "For better or worse, "Fram! Fram!" is overshadowed, at least in my experience, by "Um Yah Yah." I learned on Wikipedia that "Um Yah Yah" is the only college fight song in 3/4 meter!"
Good to know.
What, more photos of me by the mirror in the morning? Sure:
Was getting ready for my super-fun last day of classes. Took my students out for coffee at Vivace, where they make the best coffee I've ever had. And they have a study room you can reserve to talk about Aristotle! Works best if your employer picks up the tab. Yeah, I love my job.
Well, more photos have been promised, but in the meantime, how about some older shots for your viewing pleasure?
(Hope you made it out okay, Eric and Christy!)
That's Magen on the left and Emily on the right
And here's a Hughes family thanksgiving from way back: Grandpa Larry, Thelma, Fran, and Dave
Thanks to Scott Hughes for sending those pics!
And so well we made some turkey curry-- Delicious!
Thought I'd close with an unrelated look at day-to-day life around here.
Your typical morning involves a little NPR, a little snooze alarm, some coffee making (we're strictly a stove-top espresso household, just to be clear), and then Emily goes to catch a bus.
After paging through some newspapers I get dressed . . .
and then I send the inevitable email. "Will this tie work with this shirt?" Then I pack the laptop, make a sandwich and hope my clothes look good to someone besides myself . . .