Here's the view out our bedroom window; yeah, that trunk on the left used to stand a little straighter . . .
the storm was pretty serious, but we're fine, and Lawrence made it through much better than places in MO and IL . . .
some trees, however, didn't make it

and a brick wall was blown right onto this car
the Replay just doesn't look the same without windows; here's hoping they're on their feet again soon

these last 4 pictures are courtesy of the Lawrence Journal-World; for a full gallery of storm pictures, click here
also, I just love the play of Julian Wright; so please enjoy this video of him helping KU win the Big 12 tournament championship; you might also notice a crawl along the bottom of the screen, indicating that the storm damage was so serious on campus that they actually cancelled today's classes.
hey, you even made it onto cnnj! i can't believe how bad KU got hit... they had a ton of footage and some interviews, it looked dreadful! i'm so glad i talked to you before watching the news!