in a perfect world of yancies: and video too!

04 September 2005

and video too!

well, this video of Dusan at the Pig really trumps everything else I've got

but we did have some fun downtown again--here's a couple of shots

Mimi, Scott, Dusan, Deron, Haley, and Aaron at Louise's

Yancy, Matt, and Aaron
notice Yancy's Waseda shirt--bought at the bookstore of Waseda U., in Tokyo, when we visited Merrica there . . . anyway, a Japanese girl at the Pig saw it & said excitedly that she went to Waseda; so that's cool


  1. now you have to come visit me in akita and i'll buy you a shirt that says 秋田... deal?

  2. hahaha, i just realized, that's kinda funny. you'd have one shirt that read "early rising ricefield" and one that read "autumn ricefield". do you think japan likes rice or what?

  3. thanks for the tip about the spam. By the way that video of Dusan kicks ass!
