He also told me that he wants to go to Wrigley Field and see a Cubs baseball game. So... Grandpa Ray? Aunt Merrica?
Speaking of spring (the title of this post is one of his inexplicable but hilarious recent sayings), some delicious spring dining:

And tulips from last week's outing:

Last week's outing being the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. We went in 2012; fun to return, and to see the fields in the sun!

Still nice and muddy though:

Long, full day:

Back at home, Franklin has really been enjoying watching 20-minute bits of Sweetgrass, one of my very favorite movies:

I mentioned it here back when we first saw it; such a great movie!
Also had some fun playing soccer, baseball, and a little frisbee with Jen at the beach last weekend:

And of course, as you may have heard, we attended our first Sounders game:

Pretty fun time.

And they won! And it was because of a beautiful 360-spin-move goal. Take a look:

All right, that's more or less it. (I really need to post more often and shorten these up, huh?)
Oh, a little fun today on Instagram, which Emily and I recently decided to look into after hearing how much Magen enjoys it:
No Jayhawk gear in that basketball clip, shockingly, but here's Franklin's current favorite ad:
Over and over lately he's been saying, "Rock Chalk, baby!" :)
All right, a little more Instagram:
And that's it. Cheers, reader! Hope you're having a wonderful spring!
would love to go to Wrigley and see the Cubs with Franklin. But this is not the year. Among other things it is being remodeled big time and quite a mess. Check out: http://www.bleedcubbieblue.com/news
Whoa! Yeah I see what you mean!
DeleteWell, then I guess you all should come here and we'll go to a Mariners game :)