in a perfect world of yancies: Minimal No More

27 January 2011

Minimal No More

As you may have heard, Mark Bittman's Minimalist column has reached its end. I understand the reasons, and I'm looking forward to his new projects.

But I'll definitely miss the Minimalist recipes. And the videos! Here's one from the Times' "Best Of" list:

The guy doing the filming picked another, but I can't get it to embed, so here's a link.

Wondering when's he's shown up on here? Try this search.

Anyway, I'm getting hungry. See you soon.


  1. I'm just getting annoyed that he keeps knocking his food processor, I'm pretty sure I have the same one! and yes, I am on a very tight budget (^_^)

  2. Well, it's good to keep in mind that he's trying to be funny...

    But just to be clear, Mark Bittman loves his food processor.

    Indeed, he's just about convinced us to get one, even though it would barely fit in our tiny kitchen :)
