For more (so much more!) coverage of our #snomg experiences here in Capitol Hill, see (of course) the Capitol Hill Seattle blog.
There's a must-see video in the Tuesday update post. And don't worry--we're fine! A little cold, but just fine.

This was taken at 2:50pm on Monday:

This was 30 minutes later:

By this time, campus was officially closed.
Meanwhile, Emily was waiting for a bus in West Seattle:

Turned out that catching the bus was the easy part, as you may have heard.
Upside, of course, was that we got to enjoy a nice snow day together--a snowy walk, then some basketball on TV. Not bad for a Tuesday!
In other news, look at what the Bibliothèque nationale de France just put online:
That's a tenth-century, handwritten manuscript of Aristotle (takes a few page turns to get to the text). One of the best and oldest in existence. Amazing!
I know this sounds cheesy, but we really live in a magical time.
Speaking of magic, look at these smiles:

And notice the handsome booties Evan has on--from Bootyland, "Seattle's resource for eco-conscious clothing and supplies for women, men, kids, toddlers, and babies."

Thanks for the photos, Magen!
And thanks for reading, reader!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Beautiful children, beautiful snowfall, and a priceless manuscript—what more could you ask?