Weather was so beautiful last Thursday I basically had no choice, and had to take my class outside: Was surprisingly productive, given the circumstances.
Perfect time of year to have salad for dinner (even if those tomatoes have to be store bought--I mean, it's only May after all). Thanks to Merrica for the great bowl and utensils!
What else? Ah, we got a nice new shower curtain: Now, normally that wouldn't be newsworthy, but a) I learned about it on a cute blog about design and such called bows & sparrows, and b) it's recyclable and not vinyl--no horrible smell when you open it! Very cute (or, as cute as a textured white curtain can be...).
Finally, it's recently been Mothers Day. Sorry we couldn't celebrate it in person with any of you, reader, but we did at least get to see this nice photo of one celebration:
Well, it's May, but I'm going to give this movies of '10 thing another try...
Starting with a film from 1951: Ace in the Hole.
We rented it recently because we heard that the Film Forum was featuring it in a series of newspaper films. Newspapers and films? What's not to love?
So the film, starring Kirk Douglas as a desperate reporter making questionable immoral decisions:
As Emily said the other day, very dark. Definitely compelling, though. And some great lines, as Emily, again, mentioned: when the wife of the miner trapped underground is asked to attend a special service for him, she replies by saying "I don't go to church; kneeling bags my nylons."
1951 too recent for you? Kirk Douglas too talky? How about 1927's Metropolis? It's now complete, for the first time since, well, 1927. Something like half an hour of missing footage has finally been found. Huzzah!
The only real disappointing thing going on here is that according to the current schedule it's not playing anywhere in Illinois or Washington. Missouri, though... Why The Face?
Speaking of films I'd like to see, here's another trailer that seems promising:
Emily's big conference, the Western Roundup 2010, finished up this afternoon, and it was a huge success. As I said the other day, Way to go, Emily!
Not a lot of photos, but I did get a few shots at the Seattle Area Archivists' 25th Anniversary celebration, held in the Presidential Suite at the conference hotel.
Good view out the window:
For more details on the conference itself, you can check out Emily's Twitter feed, or just take a look at all of the conference-specific #wrup10 tweets. Sounds like a lot of interesting sessions!
There are a few more photos in the set I uploaded to Flickr, and maybe Emily will add some more, or some narrative? In the meantime, let me just congratulate Emily one more time for doing such a great job!
In that spirit, here's Loretta, crowning Emily with some balloons at the end of the evening:
Bonus material: I read this piece on a new solar observatory satellite thing the other day. So cool! And this video from NASA? Awesome: