(Thanks, Los Taco Trucks, for the photo.)
So the other morning NPR ran this story about a website that lists addresses and reviews of taco trucks on the west coast. Now as you may have noticed in my last post, I'm a fan of the taco. As much as I love Seattle, however, there is a severe--and severely disappointing--lack of worthwhile Mexican food here. Having spent so much time around Chicago, where there's lots of great Mexican, it's been an unpleasant adjustment. So when I heard that story, I got pretty excited: Mexican! West coast!
Alas, when I took a look at the website (yumtacos.com) I discovered that Portland was the closest place they list . . .
Now, it was some comfort that we were able to use our new tortilla press and some of Mark Bittman's recipes from last week to make some tasty tacos at home, but, well, it's just not the same.
Just as I'd resigned myself to this bland fate, however, Emily stumbled across a piece on some local taco trucks in the Seattle Weekly.
At this point, two main things became clear: all hope was not lost; and people really seem to be talking about tacos a lot lately. Indeed, there was a front page story in today's Times about recent legal issues confronting taco trucks in LA, which included this charming passage:
This a where you can pave over a freeway’s carpool lanes with toll roads, and few will complain. You can propose a 40-story skyrise in the center of Hollywood, and hardly anyone two miles to the west will take notice. You can squander public money, close down the ports and flatten landmarks, and many residents of this sprawling metropolis will simply yawn and move on.
But this is also a food-obsessed city with rich Hispanic cultural traditions, and tacos have crossed the miles of road and class divides.
Ah, tacos . . .
Anyhow, this evening we booked ourselves a Zipcar (Flexcar was bought out, but whatever), drove down to the Columbia City neighborhood, and had some terrific carnitas at Tacos El Asadero. Delicious, affordable, and served in a bus that's been converted into a a tiny kitchen and ten-stool seating area. What could be better?
Emily, in fact, said that it was the best carnitas she had ever had. Oh how I love a happy ending.

Now why is it that good food like that is served in a converted bus miles from the supposedly cool part of the city where we live? I don't know, but there's something wrong somewhere. The writer of this '04 review in the Stranger agrees, though, that's it's worth the trouble getting there.
Overwhelmingly positive reviews on yelp seem to share the sentiment as well.
Also, note that the link I put for the taco place is not to their own website (they sell tacos for $1.20 in a converted bus!); it's to a site that seems to do a decent (if not particularly up to date) job of tracking local taco trucks, called Los Taco Trucks.
Why did I use their photo above? Well, here's the one I took with my phone:

Oh, and what are carnitas? Try the Wikipedia entry.
Update: you'll be happy to learn that someone added Tacos El Asadero to the yumtacos site. Only place listed in Seattle so far, but one is all we need, right?
ReplyDelete(Note: we will be trying a second place soon, cause, you know, two is better than one, right?)
You burned all that gas and polluted all that air for a fucking taco?
ReplyDeleteYou better get right with the Lord son.
Well, now, it was only a ten-minute drive. And it's the only driving we've done since March. Who is more right than me?
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, you *might* understand if you could taste their carnitas tacos . . .
I need to take a trip out there and sort this all out.
ReplyDeleteFinally something we agree on.
ReplyDeleteI would never have guessed Seattle lacked tacos. Our little town of 1,400 folks has two excellent mexican restaurants.
Please forgive me if I'm skeptical about the food in Montana.
ReplyDeleteLet me ask you this: what comes on the tacos? If it's lettuce and tomato, then you and I are talking about different things.
Either way, I hope to try it soon!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
ReplyDeleteSo did you bicycle over to the taco truck yesterday?
Well, the place wasn't as close as it could've been to our bike route (more on that soon), and two days in a row seemed like a lot to ask of Emily, so I held off.
ReplyDeleteNot to worry, though: I fully intend to be back within the week.
Skeptical about food in Montana? Tsk tsk. Haven't you heard about our sushi here? ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteYou have been silent about the job, fill us in.
I thought job things were already widely known, but here you go: Emily *loves* her job, and mine is pretty good. We'll stay at least one more year, maybe more--sort of depends on factors currently out of my hands.
ReplyDeleteIn return, maybe you'll tell me if you're going to Montana next month to see us, Eric?
Oh, and speaking of work, I have an s**t-load of tests to grade, so I may slow down on posting for a few days; apologies.
Love that last comment, Marisa.
Good to hear,
ReplyDeleteYes, snowpack looks like 1st or 2nd week in July for Montana, how does that work on your end?
Snowpack? Damn: we'll be there 3rd weekend in June . . . maybe you deserve an extended stay?