In the car afterwards, Amelia was glad to be reunited with the doll Emily got her last Christmas
As I said, though, I was there for philosophy.
The American Philosophical Association Central Division meeting, to be exact. The full program is online, if you're wondering what you missed.
I was there to talk about Plato's Theaetetus. A philosopher from the University of Denver presented a paper in which she argued that--at least for Plato--any false belief is the product of complete ignorance, which also means that it is possible to have beliefs about an object of which you are completely ignorant. My job was to comment (read: politely disagree), and I rather enjoyed the opportunity. Seemed to go over well, which helped.
Saw some other quite interesting presentations, and had the chance to catch up with a number of people I'd not seen in some time.
I didn't get too many photos, however, though I did get this one:

Tom Tuozzo joined me for a stroll in Millennium Park between sessions.
I also had the pleasure of dining with Dave Weik. No photos, but I can send you to his newly minted iTunes page; or perhaps you'd rather check out his myspace? Either way, there's music to be heard from that young man.
I also had the rare pleasure of seeing the newest work of Seeder and Lee. And am I sorry that the new show involved a reprise of the Mr Cooper scene from Sandy? Hell no.
And thanks, Chris and Carrie, for the bed--and the chance to watch the end of that championship game again!
Finally (phew!) I visited McHenry . . . again no photos, but I'll give you this link to reviews of Foxhole Pizza. Mmmm.
Thanks all. See you soon, I hope.
Tuozzo looks like Heidegger....that is a compliment.
I think I see what you mean. What do you think, reader? Try this photo of Heidegger.
ReplyDeleteWish you could've been there, EB. Lotz, Painter, Kreider, Cudd, De George . . . I even heard Ice was there too, though I never saw her.
I like Dave's creations!