I need to get some sleep, so I'm just posting these photos for now. Rock Chalk.

Downtown Lawrence, courtesy of Scott and the Jayhawk Nation blog. I also recommend the video of the party there.

More downtown Lawrence, from kusports.com

Look: something not basketball-related. Mimi in front of the Asian Art Museum in Volunteer Park.

The winning shot, in honor of Adam Webb

For Adam
(I'll say more on that when I have a chance)

Got to watch with Ismail and Kari, so that made it extra fun.

Post-game at the Whisky Bar; how do you like that painting? It's called "In Demand," and can be yours for $700 . . .

Melanie and Dave at the Whisky Bar post-game.

Classic Melanie pose (?)
I believe there are quite a few very disappointed bracket-fillers here. Sounds like lots of people picked Memphis to win. Glad your team won! Looks like a fun celebration
Rock Chalk Jayhawk!