Ismail, Kari, and Emily at the Vista House, a super-nice and super windy rest stop along the old highway outside of the city

Photo by Jim Hessel, courtesy of www.vistahouse.com

Out in the wind
And where were we headed? To see a waterfall, of course.

At Multnomah Falls. For some reason, I thought I really needed this shot of my face . . . so here it is.


But you can't just look from below, right? You've got to go see it from above.

On the way up, with some fencing to keep the hill off of the trail

Part way up, with the Columbia River valley in the background

Mimi in tree

View from the top of the falls at last
And they were nice enough to let us stay with them--luckily there was room for us and for their giant dog, Henry.

Kari and Henry
Want to see Ismail dance with the dog? Go ahead:
And the rest of the time? Good, good food.

Our bill at Nostrana is only $30? Wow! Oh, that's someone else's dessert bill? Well, the food was worth more than $30 anyway
That morning, we enjoyed a nice breakfast at Toast. I like to eat: what can I say?

Cupcakes at Crema Bakery and Cafe
How did we travel? Train, of course!

Mimi on the train back home to Washington

There's that mountain again
And once we got home? Rock and roll, of course!

Blurry shot of AIH (Now Playing) at the Showbox. Great show; poorly photographed . . .

Some unrelated items:

Random shot of Eric fly-fishing in Michigan--looks good, no?
A handout from my class on the Phaedo the other day (think 99d and following):

Until next time, then, dear reader.
Have I ever told you how jealous I am of you and Emily?!