Yancy, Mimi, 'Manu,' Rodrigo, and Leeroy

That guy in front? No idea, but he really wanted to be in the photo

Chris and Rodrigo
And then we returned to Rock Island to get ready to move.

Have to clean the couch somehow, right?

Packing up in Rock Island
And then we spent the night in Omaha with Mike Battershell and his fiancée Alicia.

The guest bedroom at Mike B's

Mike and myself
And then we stopped by Mount Rushmore.

Spreading the word in South Dakota (the shirt, from Mike B, reads "Deport Ignorance Not Immigrants")

In that cafeteria at Mt Rushmore
And then we saw some friends in Helena, like Mike Campbell.

Mike & bike

Lisa and Mike (they're married--congrats! (just a year late))

Mike and Yancy

Mimi showing off the back of truck
We also saw Marisa and Ryan, who were awesome enough to let us stay and play disc golf with them.



um, Ryan again
Then we went to Missoula, saw more friends and family.

Rhonda and Gina


Emily with Rhonda

Merrica and Ray

With Chet in Missoula.
Thanks also to Chet, who let us crash at his place, and who we had a great old time talking with, even though we were tired as f**k.
Then we made it into Seattle, where Dave was kind enough to help us unpack.

Dave in our new living room

A few boxes

Dave under some sort of oak tree in a roundabout one block from us
We even had time for the four-mile walk up to the U of Washington campus. Very nice.

Mimi and Dave on University Bridge near the University of Washington (we could see Mt. Ranier in the background, but I guess my phone couldn't pick it up)
So, you ask, what did the whole trip, all 2,800 miles, from the drive to Indiana on the 24th through arriving in Seattle on the 7th look like?
View Larger Map
Anyway, I'll keep you posted, and I'll get you some pictures of the apartment once we unpack a bit more.
So much to absorb in one posting!
ReplyDeleteBut the first thing that came to mind both times I have read your latest entry: I can't get over how great Mike Campbell and Chet look—I really like their new hairdos. (I hope this doesn't embarrass them.)
Okay, so I've read this entry four times and still haven't digested it all.
ReplyDeleteEveryone looks so happy in the Chicago reunion picture—it must have been great fun!
God bless Dave for helping you with the move.
I wish you happiness in your new home. (Love the rounded archways and leaded glass cabinets!)
And I wish you success in your new jobs. (Hope the first few days were pleasant!)
Well I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that (about the hair); I know I would.
ReplyDeleteIt was a fun couple of weeks; thanks all.
Oh, and by the bye, we also spent a fabulous afternoon with Aaron Wels and his lovely (and hilarious) wife Mandy, but like a fool I left not just my camera but also my phone (!) inside while we folfed. . . .
But anyway, those two rock, and I hope we see them again soon.
Speaking of: give us a few more days to settle in, then please, reader, come visit! You'll love it! And we'd love to see you!