Okay, the other major thing what's happened to us lately—actually, it happened while we were in Montana—is that I was offered a one-year visiting professorship at Augustana College in Rock Island, IL. After talking it over for a few days, we accepted the offer.
I'm still uncertain on some details (that job title, for example; also when exactly we'll move there), but it's a great opportunity to work with some pretty good students and faculty, and I'm almost positive that I will work and teach primarily in the building pictured, Old Main.
For more pictures of the campus, which is quite nice looking, click here.
Should be fun; the Quad Cities seem pretty nice, and I recently emailed the chair of the Philosophy Department asking about how to structure some of my classes and what sort of readings to include; his response was "be free." As I said, should be fun.
Guess that's just about it.

Oh, one more thing:
Brazilian soccer (or should I say futebol?) is damn fun to watch. The Brazilian team's next World Cup game is Sunday the 18th; you ought to watch.
yeah! this is awesome news!!!! congratulations!!!!!