Emily as Velma!

Scott as—and this is great—the Supreme Court nominee

Haley, as a Toulouse-Lautrec can-can girl

Alito and Velma

our halloween crew--Haley, Deron ('KU parents' weekend guy'), Mimi, Scott, and Yancy (no costume, just a guy who wants a filibuster of the supreme court nominee--I mean, what is there to lose at this point? Five years of going along with Bush has just ended with more and more shit, so the democrats might as well, at this point, just say fuck it and bring the senate to a standstill--at least that would be something . . .)
ah, and one more attempt to bring the magic of fall to the small screen:

a tree near our place
Those were great pictures! I really liked Scalito and, of course, Emily looked adorable! Even if you didn't dress up you sure looked sharp in that suit (or was it just the jacket?) anyway, I really like the tie!