Had a great time in Texas last week. Emily enjoyed some very good sessions at the very huge Society of American Archivists conference, and I did a little writing and a lot of catching up with Rodrigo & Nora.
It's an amazing experience, seeing old friends. So rare (and wonderful) to sit down with someone and just immediately feel comfortable, get along, have plenty to talk about...
and even though I hadn't seen Rodrigo in like two years, there we were listening to the same bands, wearing the same Levi's jeans (?), and sharing the same hatred of high-fructose corn syrup.
Affinity, if that's the word, is something I need to remember to value, since it sure is cool.
Anyway, we continue to enjoy Austin, though it's pretty toasty in the summer...

Luckily, we were able to relax one afternoon at Barton Springs. The above is a cool picture (Emily's), but of course doesn't show you the springs themselves.
It's a lake, but converted into a giant city park, and surrounded with swimming pool-like sides (stairs & ladders to get in; diving boards; concrete), and it's always a comfy 68 degrees... Awesome.
Also had some cocktails at the historic (but air-conditioned!) Driskill Hotel.

That was right after seeing (500) Days of Summer at what Emily called "the coolest movie theater I've ever seen," the Alamo Drafthouse. Good food, good beer, great movies, even cool trailers and short films that play before the main show starts. (Oh, yeah, the movie was cool too!)
And our flight home was late enough that Emily had a chance to try out the scooter Rodrigo's been riding this summer:

Can you believe I almost didn't go?

So glad I changed my mind!
Sounds wonderful!