ὧν ἓν καὶ τὸ σόν, ὦ σχέτλιε, μόριον εἰς τὸ πᾶν συντείνει βλέπον ἀεί, καίπερ πάνσμικρον ὄν, σὲ δὲ λέληθεν περὶ τοῦτο αὐτὸ ὡς γένεσις ἕνεκα ἐκείνου γίγνεται πᾶσα, ὅπως ᾖ τῷ τοῦ παντὸς βίῳ ὑπάρχουσα εὐδαίμων οὐσία, οὐχ ἕνεκα σοῦ γιγνομένη, σὺ δ’ ἕνεκα ἐκείνου
Plato, Laws 10 (translation)
Bet you're wondering what mine looks like . . .As soon as I find a fitting way to tell you, I shall do so.Cheers
Can't wait to see it!Say, did you see the comment from Suzuki in Akita? What does the last paragraph mean? cmd
you are so pathetic! but congratulations, the iphone's are cool
Bet you're wondering what mine looks like . . .
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I find a fitting way to tell you, I shall do so.
Can't wait to see it!
ReplyDeleteSay, did you see the comment from Suzuki in Akita? What does the last paragraph mean?
you are so pathetic! but congratulations, the iphone's are cool