Taken on Snoqualmie Pass, on our way out of Seattle
A long drive, but worth it. We had turkey at Marisa and Ryan's; had drinks with Chet (and his brother and sister); met up with people I'd not seen in many years; went sledding at 3am (well, Mimi and Marisa did, at least) watched football (f**k Mizzou) with Mike; hung out at Merrica's cool new apartment. . . . So much fun I forgot to take very many pictures, but I did get a few: please enjoy.

The Christensen's handsome decorative turkey

Now that's a big remote control

Mimi readying one of the two turkeys
How pass the time while the turkeys cook? Well, we could ask Maraya to show us some of what she's learned in Karate class . . .

Family sitting down to dinner
Thanks, Marisa and Ryan!

Marisa and Ryan's road

How much has Helena changed since I lived there? This much

Taken by Emily Donahoe: her apartment building. Was cool (if perhaps a bit weird) to see her again after like 15 years. She's doing well--does, among other things, most everything for Your Time, which is put out by the Independent Record. . . .

Emily's new dog Abra (also her picture)

Yancy & Emily, taken by Emily

Well, I tried to get a good photo of Emily with my phone, and I feel like I came close with this one . . .
Later, back at Marisa and Ryan's:

Um, yes, Ryan is wearing Mimi's new boots . . . um, no, they didn't really fit . . .

Finally, how Montana is this? (Taken on the highway outside of Helena when we were on our way home)
Once again, you managed to fit a lot of fun activities into one long weekend; thanks for sharing!