We finally did attend the Heart of America Shakespeare Festival's production of Henry V yesterday with Nathan and Micah. A lovely evening, a handsome set, and some decent readings of some nicely written words.
I was asked to take no pictures during the performance, but here's hoping these shots do justice to the setting.

Mimi, enjoying a beverage before curtain.

Emily and myself at halftime (that's what they call it, no? and yes, I do love that t-shirt).
For those who wish they knew me or the Bard a little better, here's my favorite bit of the play, from lines spoken by the King to the Bishop of Canterbury, concerning whether England should go to war:
Therefore take heed how you impawne our Person,
How you awake our sleeping Sword of Warre;
We charge you in the Name of God take heed:
For neuer two such Kingdomes did contend,
Without much fall of blood, whose guiltlesse drops
Are euery one, a Woe, a sore Complaint,
'Gainst him, whose wrongs giues edge vnto the Swords,
That makes such waste in briefe mortalitie.
Ah, if only. . . . (Of course, they do go to war; but it's a good speech nonetheless. . . . )
Speaking of current politics, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Administration's plan to try those held at Guantánamo in military tribunals is illegal. Full text of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld here. As Amnesty International put it, a victory for the rule of law. Huzzah.
Read more on the case on the Truth Will Out blog.

Finally, a huzzah for Ronaldo (or O Fenômeno), who set a new record for goals scored in a World Cup (in its 76th year) with 15 the other day. See the goal here.
Read more on Ronaldo on the Jayhawk Nation blog.