in a perfect world of yancies: and the food

28 August 2005

and the food

well, with things like tomatoes and peppers in season, eating at our house is at its yearly peak . . . after a salsa made with Emily's grandparents' tomatoes and a roasted (locally grown) habeñero, and then some fresh pasta sauce, we feasted Saturday on a great summery Thai curry, and then some dessert . . .

a simmering curry, with locally-made tofu, and tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers, basil, and thai chili peppers from the farmers' market

the beginning of our dessert: apples from the farmers market, waiting for the pie crust

Emily rolls out the crust--a homemade one, and extra flaky as lard was a key ingredient . . .

success! (& after less than 24 hours, we've nearly eaten the whole delicious thing)

as I said, it's been quite a week for eating, and I think we're only getting started . . .

on another note, the school year's going for real now, and so far it's been fun--two lectures delivered to the class of 250+ (no mic yet; we'll see if my voice can make the whole semester), and I'm already behind in my Ancient Philosophy class (that stuff is too damn interesting . . . oh well) . . . and, as promised, a door of my own:

my door


  1. i can't believe you have the nerve to show your delicious food and you can't even send a desperate girl some ranch dressing...


  2. ps
    it does look mighty delicious, compliments to the chef

  3. thanks!

    and nice work on the blog: for anyone interested, Merrica now has some entries on her blog--just click her name to see it!
