in a perfect world of yancies: it gets worse

26 July 2005

it gets worse

I know I probably shouldn't waste the time it takes to put a new post up about this, especially since Emily & Diana (if them) may be the only ones who'll ever see it, but I just went out to get the New York Times (a great paper if ever there was one), and I saw this in our gazebo:

now, I know the gazebo itself is no great piece of architecture--it's falling apart, needs new paint, has moss and lichen growing on it--no seriously, look:

. . . but do we really need this nasty patio furniture? at least now the homeless people who frequent it will have comfy seating for six . . . (two weeks ago, a gentleman spent the whole day in there--except for a couple hours, when he was napping on our doorstep . . .)

& the worst part? they've chosen to chain a couple of chairs up & lock them, so they don't get stolen, I guess . . . but which chair did they make sure to chain, leaving most free? yep, the one with the nasty stain on the seat:

anyway, I don't like it one bit

but I really should get back to work--more Aristotle, if things go as planned, and maybe some AREIOS POTHR, that is, the 1st Harry Potter book as translated into ancient greek (just to keep my skills sharp . . .)
& all the while, I'll listen to the best radio station around, which I've added to my links list, kjhk

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