Started Friday with a pleasant lunch and a walk with Pete (thanks for the photo!).
And a new favorite activity at the Volunteer Park Playground:
Saturday Franklin and Emily gathered a nice basket full of eggs at the Cal Anderson Park Easter Egg Hunt:

Plus more playground fun:

Rained the rest of Saturday, but we had plenty of baseball books to read (thanks again, Grandpa Ray & Grandma Rhonda!). Also had a nice chat on the phone with Grandpa Ray (well, Franklin mostly looked at the phone, and whispered a couple of comments). And a nice video call with the Iwanski cousins. Man, I almost forgot about that. Busy fun weekend!
Okay, on Sunday, well, Franklin literally jumped for joy when we asked if he wanted to help make breakfast. One of his favorite library books lately is Curious George Makes Pancakes (which by the way has this hilarious if slightly troubling information on the title page: "Illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Vipah Interactive").
Anyway, he was pretty excited to add blueberries just like George:

And to eat them of course:

We somehow also squeezed in a trip to the farmers market... and of course another visit to a playground:
Not sure that's the first time he'd done that, but definitely the first time I've seen it. Quite a guy.
And Grandma joined us Sunday evening for a nice family dinner and a short walk:

Until next time, reader. Woo!
