State Rep. Pat Verschoore (D-Milan), also marveled at the transformation the building has made
from just three years ago.
"It's amazing what they're doing with older buildings, rather than tearing them down," he said."It's very nice."
Now that link may or may not have tipped you off to the fact that I finally have a page on the Augustana server. It's linked over on the right, but in case you want to write it down, the address is Now if only I can persuade the department chair to update their site . . .
Not much else to tell here; lots of orientation workshopping and such--today was like the 5th day; only two left!
We did, however, get some free tickets to a baseball game (actually, recent rains made it a double-header). The Swing of the Quad City (their name, not mine) played the Kane County Cougars (yes, that is where St Charles is--talk about drama! and the games decided 1st place in the league). The Swing swept the night, and the ballpark is just beautiful: right on the Mississippi--you can see across to Rock Island, though our building, alas, is obscured by a casino; life on the big river, I guess.

Mimi in the outfield

View from the cheap seats.

This pitcher, Chris Perez, whoever he is, sure could throw. See next photo.

That "94" there? Pitch speed. . . .

In the outfield.

Here's the view from the bridge (2nd game was a bit of a blow-out (Swing up by 7 in the 1st), so we left early to get this shot, and watch the fireworks (unpictured) from above). It's very nice.