Before we dive right into to Nana & Papa's visit, here are a few other items:
Adjunct faculty (like me! woo!) across the nation staged a walk-out last week, and reportedly ours was among the biggest in the country. Not bad!
Lots of pictures online, including one set that featured one of me walking with my friend Michael:

Sorry to hear that Leonard Nimoy died, though 83 is pretty solid. But happy that my mom found this great photo from my favorite old halloween costume:

We took Franklin to a soccer lesson/class/practice at the Hiawatha Community Center:
He seemed pretty into it (other than being super cold running around in shorts), but this week refused to go back, so who knows...
Immediately after, we went to the Seattle Children's Museum to attend a birthday party for one of Franklin's classmates. Didn't get any good pictures of her, but Franklin seemed to enjoy the museum:

One of the big hits with all the kids was the grocery store:

My favorite part was the register feeling overwhelmed by all the attention:

Okay, not sure where to put these, but here are my two favorite quotes from March 2015:
On a weekday morning, upon coming into our room and getting into our bed: "Dad, stay in bed for five more minutes and then take your shower."
And, seemingly out of nowhere one day: "I'm Cliff Alexander; hold on tight."
Finally, as I said, great visit from Nana & Papa:

Fun around town, and also a nice day up near Snoqualmie Pass:

Including a quick hike on the auspiciously named Franklin Falls Trail.
At the falls:
Two miles, a few hundred feet of elevation gained. Not a difficult hike, but I'm proud to report that Franklin walked the whole way!
Well, that's about it. More fun to come. Cheers, reader.
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