Wish we saw them more often, but we all had a great time visiting with Nana and Papa last weekend! Thanks for all the fun!
Part of the reason they came when they did was so that Franklin could get professional photographs done at age two, just like his cousins. Can't wait to see the display of them all that Nana sets up at their place!
Anyway, can't get a photo taken without a trim first, so, off to
Tim's Barbershop!

A few tears were shed, but they have a lot of toy cars, and the barber's awfully friendly and patient, so... not too bad, all things considered.
And here he is in most of the outfit Nana picked out for him:

Looking sharp!
We're still waiting to see the proofs from the photo shoot, but rest assured you'll see them soon too, reader!
The other excitement is that Nana and Papa have recently decided to try eating a vegan diet. The chance to show off some great local restaurants like
Plum Bistro? I accept!
No photos there, but we did get this nice shot of Franklin enjoying the train-shaped pancakes at
Cafe Flora:

If you're wondering, he ate every bite.
So great to see Franklin with his family:
Oh, and here's a little bonus tidbit: As I
mentioned on Facebook, when I was juggling making dinner and reading paper drafts, a voice from the other room said, "Daddy, will you please throw the football?" So, yeah, that was basically the end of my work on Sunday :)
Anyway, I'm even happier to report that the dinner I was making was homemade black beans, which we used for tacos in some delicious soft-corn tortillas, and Franklin gave me the greatest gift of all by devouring three of them!

Delicious dinner with great company!
Oh, and a little message for all five of Franklin's grandparents: they're low fat, low sodium, gluten-free, and vegan, so everyone should be able to enjoy them with us next time you're around :)