In Plato's Timaeus of course time is defined as "a moving image of eternity." A great line, and one we were reminded of recently: it's one of the quotes at the beginning of Tasha Tudor's A Time to Keep, a book that my Aunt Dorothy gave me when I was just about the age that Franklin is now, and a book that Grandma Christine found recently, which means now Franklin too can enjoy it.
Anyway, some days I really wish I had a little more time—even an extra hour—so I could do things like upload Thanksgiving photos.
And then sure enough Franklin sleeps in and what do I do but flip through a magazine and end up right back where I started...
So, okay, what were we talking about?
Had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks all!
Luckily we had a great helper in the kitchen:

Great company too of course:

And if you were wondering about the pie, it was awesome:

Afterwards we had a nice quiet weekend. Good chance for a stroll around the neighborhood:

Also a nice quiet time for Franklin's first haircut at a salon:

Pretty sweet setup at Kids Club. And a commemorative photo-card:

Long weekend also meant good chance to try on some clothes that we've been waiting to grow into:

Turns out Franklin really enjoys saying the phrase "baseball shirt":

Thanks again, Grandpa Ray & Grandma Rhonda!
But most exciting of all we had time to get our tree!

(From the awesome place across the street of course!)
Haven't quite finished decorating it, but Emily and Franklin got off to a strong start:

Hope you're keeping warm this December, reader!
So much to take in -- from the matching polka-dot bow ties to the beautifully formed tree, and everything in between. Wonderful post!
ReplyDeleteLove, Grandma Christine X :) X