And it's been pretty fun ringing in the new year these last few days. While I was wrapping up the Northwest Ancient Philosophy Workshop, Franklin and his new friend Samson were enjoying the first day of fall.
(Thanks to Erin for the photo, and thanks to everyone for a fun weekend!)
Franklin was happy to show Samson around the Cal Anderson playground:

And they were both pretty thrilled to find a tennis ball:

Love the look on Samson's face :)
They even saw a rainbow while stopping for a snack downtown:

(Thanks again, Erin!)
Speaking of rainbows, the whole Workshop was a lot of fun, but one of the highlights was seeing this awesome diagram of the world according to Aristotle's Meteorologica:

From Structure and Method in Aristotle's Meteorologica by Malcolm Wilson (available January 2014).
All that fun's kept me from posting much recently, so here's a few quick items for your consideration:
Fun at the State Fair:

(Thanks for the photo, Bria! Lots of fun seeing friends, but hard to get many photos ourselves lately... seems to be inversely proportional to Franklin's speed on foot...)
Did get a nice look at some sheep though:
And Emily got a nice photo in the Pig Palace:

And recently: a car with a broken wheel was left at the park, and greeted with pure joy by a good friend of mine:

And that good friend's Grandma just retired!

Woo! Congrats!
And if things go smoothly this is the fountain she'll see from the window of her new apartment in Seattle:

All right, this last is more from the slow trickle of photos from Jamie and Monique's wedding, and I very much like it:

Okay reader, I'd better go outside and enjoy this last day before my quarter starts!