in a perfect world of yancies: Having a Ball

20 June 2012

Having a Ball

I mentioned recently that Franklin has really been enjoying the "Busy Ball" that our friend Wai-Shun got for him... Take a look:

In other news, summer's here! That means blue Seattle skies, long days, and lots time for me to hang out with Franklin while Emily is at work. It's been pretty cool so far—he's getting stronger by the day, and we have a decent system going: he's even been a good sport about sitting in a chair in the bathroom while I shower.

The only tricky bit, so far, is napping. On the one hand, it's adorable and endearing that Franklin will only reliably nap if he's in the Ergo carrier or I'm holding him. On the other hand, well, it might be a long summer... But hey, like I said, totally adorable, so I'm sure we'll be fine :)

And finally, am I crazy, or is it completely awesome that Penguin made a trailer to announce that Thomas Pynchon's books are now available as ebooks?

Thomas Pynchon. The Complete Collection. from CHIPS on Vimeo.

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