Great Thanksgiving with the Hughes family!
(And some Iwanski's; and some Campbells too, of course...)
Evan was in fine form:

Dave and Fran tried out a great technique with the turkey: just popped all the meat off of the carcass and carved it afterward:

Sensible and delicious!
(Nice job cutting sage for the serving platter, Amelia!)
Good food, good wine; even some good sparkling grape juice for Emily and the kids:

Hard to get everyone in one photo, but Fran got a good shot of most of us:

We enjoyed the nice weather as we walked the property:

I think Braxton has just about enough orange on to be visible to any hunters :)
Had some fun around a bonfire in the back yard:

This photo's a little dark, but I just love this shot of Dave, Fran, Evan, Magen, and Emily:

One last look around the area before we head home:

Taken at the Goose Pond Fish and Wildlife Area, where they hold the hilariously named Marsh Madness.
Oh, and there are a few more photos in a set on Flickr if you're interested...
Hope you had a great holiday, reader!
How lovely!!!