Experiments in building, courtesy of Emily and Franklin.

Not only that, but here's a new coat:

Or, as I like to think of it, definitive proof that dad's can't tell big kids what they should wear...

Still, what a cutie!
Just wore that jacket to his first dentist appointment by the way. Amazing visit. Not because his teeth look good—given how much we focus on brushing I was expecting that. No, the shock was that he didn't even come close to crying the whole time. Only rough patch was when part of the balloon sword they gave him popped... But then he popped the rest with his teeth, laughed, and we were back in business :)
What else? Trip out to Olympic National Park a few days ago. Lovely couple of nights in a cabin at Kalaloch Lodge.
Nice beach outside too:

Drove up to the Hoh Rain Forest.

Such a great spot. Man I love living out here.
More pictures over on Flickr by the way.

Grandma with the world's largest Sitka Spruce:

Bigger version of the photo here.
Roosevelt Elk too:

And a chance to hang out and throw a few rocks at Ruby Beach:

Only real downside was the amazingly efficient wood stove in the cabin. Chilly night + Yancy having too much fun with the fire meant that before we knew it, the room was like 80˚ and we were panicking because we thought Franklin had a fever... Anyway, took off the fleece pajamas, opened a window, and soon all was well again.
On the way home the next day we stopped for lunch at Lake Crescent Lodge. Food was pretty good, scenery was great; but most exciting of all was the stuffed Olympic Marmot (sound familiar?) for sale in the gift shop:

Oh yeah!
Also took a nice little walk over to Madison Falls:

Finally, didn't get great pictures but I'm glad we finally got to take a look at some of the Elwha restoration project.

Very cool. Can't wait to go back.
Cheers, reader.