Been too long, hasn't it? Happy New Year and all that, reader. Here's a random bunch of photos of what you've missed:

Braxton and Magen surfing the 'Net. (xmas day)

My mom with the egg carton of bath stuff that we got her from
Bliss, the great soap store around the corner from our apartment. Scents like spiced pear or mint julep; and bubble bath that comes in the shape of ginger bread cookies--who wouldn't love that?

Mimi showing off her new umbrella. (Who needs luck when you've got a smile like that?)

That old smile again.

Back in Seattle we opened gifts from my dad and Rhonda. Oh--that reminds me: I really should think about Thank You cards . . .

Enjoying the winter wonderland that was McHenry, IL at the close of '07.

More bubble bath from Bliss . . .

Amelia trying out some xmas presents

Emily's current favorite Braxton quote should also work as a caption here: "huh?"
And what's in the news lately?The Wire is back for its final season--love that show.
Hillary is inevitably going to win; no Obama is inevitably going to win; well, at least one of them will eventually win, right?
How about some local news from Montana?

Mike and his family recently offered sledding tips in this (Helena) Independent Record
And, in case you missed it:
The A Daily Show is back, as is
The (?) Colbert Report. Are they funny without their writers? Well, it could be worse--I'll leave it at that. Am I conflicted about watching these scabs? Definitely. Is it ever so wonderful having them back, even if they're scabs? You bet your ass it is.
Here's a bit from the first night back: