Through this weather (and I swear it was actually worse than it looks here--what was I doing taking cell-phone pictures while driving anyway?) we drove to Kansas for spring (?) break. We saw some fabulous folks, and for my upcoming birthday Emily bought us tickets to the Kansas-Texas game. It was great. Could any basketball game possibly top one in which our team gets down by 16 points to a team led by the best player in college basketball, and then comes back to win? Well, yes: the KU-Texas rematch this past Sunday. But whatever; it was awesome.
During our stay, Haley showed us around backstage at Lawrence's Channel 6. This will always be my source for news (Deron, Emily, and Haley, that is).
Funny stuff
Glad to see Jesse sporting the 3D glasses, of course
One interesting change since we've left town: now stores that don't want gun-toting customers put up signs saying so (in response to a recent (crazy) statewide conceal & carry law). This is the Borders, in case you're wondering, but that's not an endorsement.
We did get some great CD's at Love Garden though; one album we bought was by the New Pornographers. Neko Case is in that group, though, and the Now Playing actually features a track from her new album, which we've had for a few weeks; whatever; enjoy.
Back here, there's no good record stores; there is, however, a Primary State just across the river. One Senator Obama was in Davenport just the other day:
He spoke in a gym; cute scoreboard, no?
One poorly recorded video of an almost funny anecdote (for more, click on the YouTube icon; one thing they have lots of is presidential candidates talking):