Went pretty well, and the session was chaired by Elizabeth Asmis, who's a pretty big name in ancient philosophy, so that was cool.
The especially fun part, though, was seeing friends there. Some KU people, and also Emily's St Olaf roommate Sally, who lives in SD. We had the chance to try some great food—the sushi, actually, was the highlight: such fresh, delicious fish. . . . And we were able to enjoy 70 degree days on the beach—Emily and Sally even did a little wading in the ocean.
Not to say that the classics conference was overshadowed by the location or anything; I mean, I did hear some pretty good papers: the Lambda Classical Caucus offered a particularly interesting session.
A nice relaxing visit, then, pleasant for both mind and body.
(and thanks again to Sally for showing us around)
(oh, and thanks to Leeroy for the Wilco rarities disk; now playing is Emily's current favorite)
Anyway, here are some photos:

finally, here's a seagull drinking from a cup: